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Your vote, your voice

Monday 19/09/2022

If your voting papers have turned up… Fantastic! Now’s your opportunity to exercise your democratic right and have your say in who represents our city. Voter turn-out, particularly for local elections, is typically pretty abysmal in this country. But the fact is local governments are determined by local people and if only a small number of people vote, there’s no reason to expect fair representation at that level.

Read your papers, find out what each candidate stands for, and ensure that you vote for the issues that best reflect you, your family, and the needs of those in the community who aren’t able to vote.

You voting papers must be posted (there is no cost) and must arrive at council by noon on October 8, but you can post your vote any time before then. Do it now!

If you are enrolled to vote but have not received your voting papers, you can contact the electoral officer on (09) 973 5212 / [email protected]

For more information on local elections and how to vote, visit The site includes information in English, as well as te reo Māori, NZSL, Hindi, lea faka-Tonga, gagana Sāmoa and Korean.


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