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Tuvalu Language Week

Sunday 01/10/2023

Vaiaso ote ‘gana Tuvalu

Fākatalofa atu! Tuvalu Language Week is celebrated from Sunday October 1 - 7.

This year’s theme for Vaiaso o te Gana Tuvalu/Tuvalu Language Week is 'Fakatumau kae fakaakoi tau ‘gana ke mautu a iloga o ‘ta tuā', meaning 'preserve and embrace your language to safeguard our heritage identities'.

There are two groups of Tuvaluan dialects, based on dialects spoken in the northern and southern islands. Tuvaluan people make up the seventh largest Pacific ethnic group in New Zealand. The theme for Tuvalu language week 2020 is "Fakatili Te Kiloga Fou" which in English means "Navigating the changing environment". Here are the basics if you're new to the language and keen to learn:


Greetings/welcome:      Talofa

Goodbye                         Tofa

How are you                   Ea mai koe?

Please                             Fakamolemole

What's your name?        Ko oi tou igoa?

My name is ...                  Toku igoa ko ...

Good luck!                       Manuia!

Have a nice day               Manuia te aso!

Excuse me                       Tulou!

Sorry                               Fakamolemole, au kō 'sē!

Thank you                       Fakafetai / Fāfetai (more colloquial)

Reply to thank you          E 'lei.

Click here for a more language resources!



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