
Malayalam FM

Sunday, 5 May, 2024

Malayalam FM: Sundays

Malayalis in Auckland share their interests and expertise in this weekly programme

  • Saturday 18/05/2024
    Friday 17/05/2024
    Sunday 12/05/2024
    Saturday 11/05/2024
    Friday 10/05/2024

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We're pretty good at talking about physical health, but how good are we at talking about mental health? Drawing on both lived experience and professional expertise, Desified unpacks mental health from a South Asian perspective.

Intro music credit: Vinyl Couch by Studio J

Sports Weekender

There are a couple of things you should know about Eamon. The first is that his mates know him better as "Piggy", and the second is that he's mad about sports. From local legends in grassroots to national level names, the Sports Weekender features interviews, updates and 'the week that was'. Tune in for your weekly sports fix.

Friends to the Enz

Friends to the Enz is about good music, good mates and good times. Join Boylee in conversation with different guests as they delve deep into the music they love and why the songs mean so much. Tune in for old gold, newer tracks, good conversation and a few laughs.

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