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Dry July

Friday 01/07/2022

Regardless of whether you’re a wine-with-every-meal kind of drinker or a couple-a-week dabbler, a month free of alcohol is one way to give your liver - and your wallet – a bit of a breather.

This year, donations to Dry July go toward Look Good Feel Better,  a charity that provides free, community-based programmes for any person, facing any cancer, at any time. If you want to get involved, you can sign up as a fundraiser, or donate to the cause at 

To everyone giving up for Dry July, and to those who abstain for other reasons… You’re a bloody legend!

You can find stats about the impact of alcohol use at and if you or someone you care about has a problem with alcohol, the following services are available:

Alcohol and Drug Hotline  (0800 787 797)

Services in your area 

Is my drinking OK? 

How to talk about it 

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