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Auckland Plan 2050

Thursday 02/08/2018

Population growth. Housing. Transport. Pollution. The issues that affect Auckland now are not going anywhere in a hurry, and it’s important that there is a vision for the future of our city that considers these challenges. The Auckland Plan 2050 outlines a number of key goals and values that will shape the decisions that Auckland City Council makes around plans that affect the future of the city.

It’s a big read. A 300+ page document in fact. And while few of us have the time (or, frankly, the willpower!) to get through that much material, the plan can be navigated by topic, meaning you can focus on the areas that are most important to you.

Some of the proposed outcomes  include:

  • All Aucklanders will be part of and contribute to society, access opportunities, and have the chance to develop to their full potential.
  • A thriving Māori identity is Auckland's point of difference in the world - it advances prosperity for Māori and benefits all Aucklanders.
  • Aucklanders live in secure, healthy, and affordable homes, and have access to a range of inclusive public places.
  • Aucklanders will be able to get where they want to go more easily, safely and sustainably.


While the plan details the aspirations of our city, it does not include the actions – that is how all these goals will be met. Understanding some of the visions that have been put in place here can help us keep our decision makers accountable in their future planning! So, for a glimpse into our future, take a moment (or two) to explore what’s been laid out. You can read the full plan, or pick and choose areas of interest: And here’s a video overview:


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